Blazor is a framework for building interactive client-side web UI with . NET: Create rich interactive UIs using C# instead of JavaScript.
Blazor is a framework for building interactive client-side web UI with . NET: Create rich interactive UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Share server-side and client-side app logic written in . NET.
A Blazor application is a build-out of the things that make up websites, like HTML and CSS and also C# code.Blazor applications are built using Razor Components, which is an ASP.NET capability.
The name Blazor is a combination/mutation of the words Browser and Razor (the . NET HTML view generating engine). The implication being that instead of having to execute Razor views on the server in order to present HTML to the browser, Blazor is capable of executing these views on the client.
Blazor contains all the contemporary features a web framework should have, including routing, validation and forms, layouts, server-side rendering, and dependency injection.
It gives you all the benefits of a rich, modern single-page application (SPA) platform while letting you use .NET end-to-end, including sharing code across server and client.